Thursday 14 April 2016

Secrets and lies exhibition!

Our exhibition is actually here! Scary how the time had flown by, and that i'm finishing second year and going into third. Our exhibition is placed in a local pub in farnham and i have to give it up to the exhibition team for making it look wonderful, they put so much work into making it and its turned out looking really cute!

Saturday 5 March 2016

New ways of creating drawings!

So recently i haven't been doing much drawing because i've been super stressed out with all the other projects and theory papers i have to write. I don't have long left to hand in my essay, and i'm going to Lisbon next Friday, so that means even less time!

I was in a lecture yesterday and it was really great inspiration for me and my drawings. It made me think about the different ways i could draw, for example with drawing a house.. I can draw the outside (the full house) and then i could draw the inside of the house. But not by one room at a time, kind of looking at it like a dolls house, that kind of point of view.

So i did this with a ship i've been focusing on for my project. It took me about 2 hours to draw it out but thats because i'm a little out of practice! I really like the illustration and i might consider doing this a lot in my project, maybe even by researching comics and see where it takes me.
